– Ajíbìké –

Names are unique, exceptional, and beautiful. Some names express the beauty of a culture, nature, admiration for religion, purpose, and emotions.
The pronunciation of a name can be challenging, frightening, and often intimidating. Learning how to pronounce a name demonstrates admiration, enthusiasm, and a desire to know more about its meaning.

Pronouncing a name correctly may seem like a little information, but it matters immensely when you are a teacher, instructor, or in a position of leadership. When a name is correctly pronounced, it generates a sense of familiarity and fosters the development of trust. When someone takes the time to ask how a name is pronounced or how you want it pronounced, they convey a tremendous sense of belonging and caring.

Many children do better when they feel appreciated, respected, recognized, and seen.

As a Mental Health Coach who mentors immigrant children with unusual names who are undergoing acculturation, my position has allowed me to better understand the mental health stability of these children in school, as well as their psychological state when in the midst of their peers. It’s a difficult balance between expressing their unique identity and trying to fit in with the larger group.
Navigating the diverse terrain of acculturation can be difficult for them.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is witnessing these children’s resilience and strength as they deal with the two distinct worlds of their cultural heritage and their new environment. By providing a safe and supportive environment in which they can express their ideas and feelings, I have gained significant insights into their mental health stability and psychological well-being.

Every year, I made it a mandatory responsibility to attend my children’s school orientation and teach their teachers how to pronounce their names properly. If a teacher can learn to pronounce the name correctly, they will be able to correct and teach other students the correct pronunciation.

Names are beautiful, unique, precious, and great; they are treasures that contain a heritage of who we are.

My Name is Ajíbìké, born into a royal family to be loved, cared for, and pampered.

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