When I decided on choosing a new career, I wasn’t prepared for so many things that come with it and the changes I will have to go through.
I’m a working mom with a full-time job and 2 beautiful kids. Life is not always what we plan for or wish it could be but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t make the most out of what we are opportune to have.
Career-wise, I’ve always been in the finance or accounting department or something close to it. I still love finance and I’m still working in a finance field but I recently decided to explore my passion which is in the health department.
A few months ago with the encouraging words and support from some great friends and family, I decided to apply for Masters in Public Health focusing on Public health Admin and Policy & Maternal/Childcare and to my great surprise, I got accepted.
When that acceptance email came in, I was shocked. First, because I wasn’t expecting it. Second, because the turn around from my application to my acceptance was so unbelievably fast and third because I was still waiting for an interview which I thought I will be asked to come in for.

I will be writing more on my Public Health journey in my next set of articles but let me give you a little tip on choosing a new career and what to consider.
- Figure out what you want and don’t want. What excites and energizes you.
- Look for friends and mentor/s on the fields you’ve decided to look into and brainstorm with them.
- Use the GPV formula- the formula created by career counselor Richard Ledier. The formula helps people decide the next step in their work life. The Formula is Gifts+Passions+Values, or G+P+V.
- Take a day or two to concentrate on yourself and determine if you’re really in a wrong profession or career. Figure out what you’re good at.
- Ask for advice from close friends and families that knows you deeply and know your strength and abilities. It doesn’t mean you have to take their bits of advice but at least listen to what they have to say.
- Evaluate your strength and skills
- Get more skills in the career you decide to go for.
- Be very open to possibilities. Don’t limit yourself to a particular type of job.
I will be elaborating more on what to consider when choosing a new career in my next motivation video. You can follow me on YouTube to watch my past videos Link here. Or you can use the video link on this website Here.
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